TIME: 2 sessions.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Identifica el vocabulario correspondiente a colores primarios.
La docente iniciara la clase proyectando a los niños y niñas el video de la canción de los colores primarios, pero antes les dará círculos de tres colores (red, yellow, blue). Los niños deberán mover el círculo que le correspondió cuando su color sea nombrado en la canción.
Para aumentar el interés por parte de los niños y niñas frente a los colores la docente realizará la lectura de un cuento “The story of colors”.
The story of colors.
Once upon a time four colors, yours names were: Yellow, Blue, Red and Green.
The colors are very good friends and decided to spend the afternoon together. There were once four colors that were called. But there was a problem was that not everyone likes the same.
The yellow loves sleeping.
The blue loves see the moon.
The red loves dresses.
The green loves to play ball.
Finally decided to:
On Monday afternoon we go to the yellow house. There we will play dress up in pajamas and jump on the bed.
On Tuesday we will sit on the highest mountain as he like to the blue color and will look as it gets dark. So we can see the moon better.
On Wednesday we go to store as he like to the red color. So see how to test the red dresses that he likes.
On Thursday we are going to spend the afternoon at the park. In the park we play the ball as he likes to the color green.
Finally, we go to the movies on Friday. The film as we likes to the color yellow, blue, red and green. There were exposed all agreed and spent a week very happy.
La docente brindara diferentes elementos como pinturas, pinceles, papeles de colores y los niños y niñas elaborarán en clase un cuadro artístico usando los colores abordados en clase:
La docente se apoyara de canciones llamativas de cada color trabajado.
Los niños y niñas realizarán con el material que la docente les indique la siguiente guía como complemento al trabajo realizado en clase:
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